Combining Technology and Design to Build a Career


In today’s rapidly evolving world, the fields of technology and design are becoming increasingly intertwined. As advancements in technology continue to shape our society, the demand for individuals who can bridge the gap between technology and design is on the rise. Whether you are a student exploring potential career paths or a professional looking to expand your skillset, the window of opportunity in this exciting field is wide open.


The NYC Design Factory: A Gateway to Innovation


One program that offers a unique opportunity to explore the intersection of technology and design is the NYC Design Factory. As part of the Design Factory Global Network (DFGN), the NYC Design Factory is dedicated to fostering innovative solutions and pushing the boundaries of research and learning. Through its collaboration with universities and research institutions worldwide, the NYC Design Factory aims to tackle complex global issues and spark new developments in the world of cutting-edge design.


A Transformative Journey to Geneva


For Susanna Lammervo, a student in the MS in Human-Centered Design program, the NYC Design Factory proved to be a transformative experience. Susanna first learned about the program while taking an Information Architecture class taught by Seidenberg Professor Andreea Cotoranu. Intrigued by the work of the NYC Design Factory, she embarked on a journey to Geneva, Switzerland, where she joined Team Fusion to solve complex global issues firsthand.

Careers in Technology and Design | Career Karma

Team Fusion’s mission was to address United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3, which focuses on promoting well-being and good health. Their specific project aimed to innovate a future-focused, tech-based solution to reduce traffic accidents and injuries in urban settings. This two-week immersive trip to Geneva provided Susanna and her team with invaluable insights and inspiration for their project.


The Power of Collaboration and Efficiency


One of the key aspects of the NYC Design Factory and the Design Factory Global Network as a whole is their emphasis on collaboration and efficiency. Despite the challenges posed by language barriers, time zones, and organizational differences, these international hubs provide a groundbreaking edge to the concept of collaboration. By connecting universities and research institutions from around the world, the Design Factory Global Network creates a platform for cross-cultural collaboration and the exchange of ideas.


Professor Andreea Cotoranu and Luke Cantarella, Dyson Film and Screen Studies chair, accompanied Team Fusion to Geneva. Together, they traveled to CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, to discuss their project and primary goal. This unique opportunity allowed Susanna and her team to gain a deeper understanding of the societal challenges and technologies involved in addressing their project’s problem space.


Learning and Growth in a Global Setting


The trip to Geneva was a transformative experience for Susanna. Not only did she have the chance to work on a real-world project with international collaborators, but she also had the opportunity to explore different aspects of the universe, society, and herself. The exposure to new ideas and perspectives broadened her horizons and allowed her to view problems from a bigger perspective.


Susanna reflects on her experience, saying, “I don’t think I have ever learned as much as I did during this trip to CERN.” The immersive nature of the program allowed her to dive deep into different societal challenges and technologies in big science. It was a journey of self-discovery and an opportunity to develop a holistic understanding of the complex issues at hand.


Culmination and Recognition


After an eight-month-long journey, Team Fusion’s hard work culminated in a presentation of their research findings and design innovation to the Global Design Factory network. This showcase event, held at the University of Bologna in Italy, provided an opportunity for Susanna and her team to share their work with a diverse audience of students, educators, scientists, and researchers from around the world.


Susanna had the honor of serving as an ambassador for her team, sharing the outcomes of their work and representing their innovative solutions. The recognition and exposure gained through this experience further solidified Susanna’s passion for technology and design.

How Technology is Affecting Career Choices (Infographic) -

Finding Your Path in the Design Field


The NYC Design Factory offers a unique window of opportunity for students looking to build a career in technology and design. Whether you are still exploring your interests or have a specific concentration in mind, the program can help you discover your path within the design field.


Susanna found her particular interest in urban studies and digital infrastructure through her experience with the NYC Design Factory. The program allowed her to explore different areas of design and find her niche. By immersing herself in real-world projects and collaborating with experts in the field, she was able to gain a deeper understanding of her own strengths and passions.


Expanding Your Horizons


Beyond its academic benefits, the NYC Design Factory also offers opportunities for personal and professional growth beyond college. By participating in the program, students can expand their networks, gain exposure to different cultures and perspectives, and develop essential skills for their future careers.


If you are a student looking to broaden your horizons and explore the intersection of technology and design, the NYC Design Factory might be the perfect program for you. By immersing yourself in real-world projects and collaborating with international partners, you can gain valuable insights and experiences that will set you apart in the job market.


Embracing the Future of Technology and Design


As technology continues to play an increasingly vital role in our society, the demand for individuals who can combine technology and design skills will only grow. By embracing the opportunities provided by programs like the NYC Design Factory, you can position yourself at the forefront of this exciting field.


Whether you are a student, a professional, or someone simply interested in the world of technology and design, now is the time to embrace the window of opportunity and build a career that combines creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. The possibilities are endless, and the future is bright for those who dare to explore the intersection of technology and design.




The field of technology and design offers a wealth of opportunities for those willing to embrace them. Through programs like the NYC Design Factory, individuals can gain hands-on experience, collaborate with experts from around the world, and contribute to innovative solutions for global challenges. By combining technology and design skills, you can build a career that not only makes a difference but also pushes the boundaries of what is possible. So, seize the window of opportunity and embark on a journey that will shape the future of technology and design.


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