7 New Companies Join Low Carbon Technology Industry Consortium: Advancing Singapore’s Sustainable Future through Innovations



In a significant move towards a more sustainable future, seven prominent companies have recently joined forces to advance carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) and hydrogen developments in Singapore. Air Liquide Singapore, Keppel, Chevron Singapore, Pan-United Corporation, Surbana Jurong, Osaka Gas Singapore, and Pavilion Energy have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to form the Low Carbon Technology Industry Consortium (LCT-IC). This collaborative effort aims to accelerate the development of integrated and energy-efficient CCUS systems, leading to a lower carbon economy for Singapore and supporting the country’s ambitious net-zero by 2050 goals.


Exploring Lower Carbon Opportunities


The LCT-IC consortium, established with an initial MoU signed in 2020, seeks to explore and develop lower carbon opportunities through research, development, and demonstration. The consortium members will collaborate on advancements in technologies, share technical insights, and exchange ideas to drive the adoption of cost-effective CCUS and the production, transportation, distribution, and utilization of lower carbon hydrogen and its derivatives at scale.

Chevron Singapore, Keppel, and more industry leaders ink MoU to explore lower  carbon opportunities | Singapore Business Review

Since the signing of the earlier MoU, the consortium has already made significant progress in various areas. They have partnered with the National University of Singapore (NUS) to propose solutions for combatting rising seawater levels. Collaborations between Chevron, Surbana Jurong, NUS, and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have focused on developing and validating novel hollow fiber membranes for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture.


Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration Efforts


The Low Carbon Technology Industry Consortium is actively involved in exploring opportunities related to carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration. One of their current endeavors is to investigate the potential of CO2 mineralization for use within the building and construction industry. By jointly studying feedstock availability, potential market demand, and new product qualification requirements, the consortium aims to contribute to the development of a sustainable and circular carbon economy.


The consortium’s work extends beyond research and development. They emphasize the importance of a techno-economic analysis and product life-cycle assessment to ensure the viability and long-term impact of their initiatives. By broadening the scope of collaboration and fostering innovation through R&D, the consortium aims to overcome common problem statements and barriers to adoption, ultimately creating a low-carbon future for Singapore.


Promoting Singapore’s Net-Zero Goals


Singapore has set ambitious targets to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, and the Low Carbon Technology Industry Consortium’s efforts align closely with these goals. The consortium’s collaborative approach brings together industry leaders, leveraging their expertise and resources to accelerate the adoption of sustainable technologies. By exploring lower carbon opportunities and advancing CCUS and hydrogen developments, the consortium aims to play a pivotal role in Singapore’s transition to a greener and more sustainable economy.


Impact on Singapore’s Energy Landscape


With the inclusion of industry giants like Air Liquide Singapore, Keppel, Chevron Singapore, and Pavilion Energy, the Low Carbon Technology Industry Consortium is well-positioned to make a significant impact on Singapore’s energy landscape. These companies bring extensive experience and technical know-how in critical sectors such as energy, engineering, and infrastructure. By leveraging their collective expertise, the consortium can drive the development and deployment of innovative technologies, creating a more sustainable and resilient energy ecosystem.


Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing


Central to the success of the consortium is the collaborative spirit among its members. Through the exchange of ideas, sharing of technical insights, and joint research efforts, the consortium aims to foster a culture of innovation and knowledge sharing. By pooling their resources and expertise, the members can collectively tackle complex challenges and drive the adoption of sustainable practices in the industry.

7 New Companies Join Low Carbon Technology Industry Consortium To Advance  Opportunities

The Role of Government Support


The Singaporean government plays a crucial role in supporting the Low Carbon Technology Industry Consortium’s initiatives. Through various policies, incentives, and funding schemes, the government encourages and facilitates the development of sustainable technologies. The consortium’s work aligns with the government’s vision for a sustainable future, and their collaborative efforts receive strong support in the form of regulatory frameworks and financial backing.


International Partnerships and Collaboration


In addition to their domestic efforts, the Low Carbon Technology Industry Consortium actively seeks partnerships and collaborations on an international scale. By engaging with global stakeholders, they can exchange insights and best practices, driving the adoption of sustainable solutions beyond Singapore’s borders. These international collaborations also open up opportunities for joint research, knowledge transfer, and the exchange of technical expertise, ultimately accelerating the global transition to a low-carbon economy.




The inclusion of seven prominent companies in the Low Carbon Technology Industry Consortium marks a significant step forward in Singapore’s journey towards a sustainable future. Through their collaborative efforts, these industry leaders aim to accelerate the development and deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration technologies, as well as the production and utilization of lower carbon hydrogen. By working together, they seek to create a lower carbon economy, supporting Singapore’s net-zero by 2050 ambitions and positioning the country as a global leader in sustainable innovation.


With the support of the Singaporean government and a commitment to international collaboration, the consortium is well-equipped to drive positive change within Singapore and beyond. By leveraging their collective expertise and resources, they can make a lasting impact on the energy landscape, fostering a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.


Disclaimer: The above article is a creative reinterpretation of the original reference article and does not contain any duplicate content.


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